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medijska ?kola


U narativnom filmu pratimo pravac filmskog kretanja oslanjaju?i se na pri?u koja napreduje njenim uglavnom logi?nim razvojem. Pre?esto uneseni u is?ekivanje raspleta napete pri?e ne primje?ujemo kako je film zapravo napravljen.

U eksperimentalnom filmu stvari su druga?ije. Eksperimentalni film eksperimentiraju?i pronalazi svoju formu, na?in obrade pri?e ili puno ?eš?e teme  ili koncepta pronalaze?i sebi svojstvenu kretnju ili daleko od pravila narativnosti ili pak intervencijom u ta pravila.

Filmovi odabrani za ovaj program, plesni, ekperimentalni, animirani, pokazat ?e neke od brojnih filmskih postupaka i umjetni?kih ideja koje pokre?u umjetnost filma u vremenu u kojemu je film za nas gledatelje jedino prisutan.

Liliana Resnick


In the narrative film we follow its story mainly by today’s well-known rules of the story development. The excitement of the story lures us into perceiving the film through the story only, thus missing how the film is actually made.

In the field of experimental film things are different. The way experimental films move in time is either by its own creative intervention into the codes of narrative or by abandoning narrative rules completely.

Dance, experimental and animation films that our program consists of will bring to attention some of the numerous methods and artistic ideas that move the film art in time.

Liliana Resnick


Zagreb, Kino Tuškanac, 22.02.2011. / 21.00
Rijeka, Art-kino Croatia, 08.03.2011. / 17.00
(83 min)

1. Miramare Michaela Muller (2009.) 08’ 00’’
re?ija / director : Michaela Müller
scenarij / screenwriter : Michaela Müller
monta?a / editor : Michaela Müller
originalna glazba / original score : Fa Ventilato
zvuk / sound : Fa Ventilato, Michaela Müller

Na mediteranskoj granici Europe turisti tra?e opuštanje, a ‘’ilegalni’’ imigranti bolji ?ivot.

A look at life on the Mediterranean borders of Europe, where tourists try to relax at the same time as "illegal" immigrants struggle for a chance for a better life.

2. Jackie and Judy Phil Harder (2009.) 04’ 00’’
re?ija / director : Phil Harder
koreografija / choreographer : Rosane Chamecki, Andrea Lerner
plesa?i / main dancer/s : Rosane Chamecki, Andrea Lerner
skladatelj / composer of music : Noel Kupersmith
produkcija / production : Tanja Meding

Oda McLarenenovom Pas De Deux

An ode to Norman McLarens Pas De Deux.

3. In Whitest Solitude Rade Šeši? (2003.) 10’ 00’’
re?ija / director : Rada Šeši?
scenarij / screenwriter : Predrag Doj?inovi?
produkcija / production : Phanta Vision Film International
direktor fotografije / director of photography:  Nicole Batteke
monta?a / editing : Christine Houbiers
skladatelj / composer : Ranko Paunovi?

Nepovratna priroda vremena je tema koja se prote?e kroz plesni film In Whitest Solitude ( prema zaboravljenoj pjesmi R.M. Rilkea).

The theme underlying the dance-film In Whitest Solitude (based on a forgotten poem by R. M. Rilke) is the irreversible nature of time.

4. Transformance Nina Kurtela (2010.) 09’ 45’’
Length of the durational performance: 100 days (22.02 – 07.08. 2010)
Location: Studio 1, Uferstudios, Berlin
concept/ realization: Nina Kurtela
Producer: Ivana Vuksic (centralna jedinica)
Production: HAVC Zagreb, HUZT Berlin, Uferstudios Berlin

"... Umjetnik je prisutan pri nastajanju novog berlinskog suvremenog plesnog centra, institucije koja ?e sigurno igrati dinami?nu ulogu pri organizaciji i formiranju plesne zajednice grada..."
iz kataloga, Sommer.bar / Tanz Im August 2010

22.02 – 07.08. 2010 / Studio 1, Uferstudios, Berlin“…The artist is present at the birth of Berlin's new contemporary dance centre, an institution that will certainly come to play a part in shaping and organizing the dynamic of the city's dance community...”
from a catalog, Sommer.bar / Tanz Im August 2010

5. Ciganjska Davor Me?ure?an i Marko Meštrovi? (2004.) 09’ 19’’
redatelji / directors : Davor Me?ure?an i Marko Meštrovi?
glazba / music : Cinkuši
produkcija / production : FADE IN / Kreativni sindikat

Film je baziran na jednom od tekstova Krle?inih Balada Petrice Kerempuha, baladi "Ciganjska". Atmosferom, karakterizacijom likova, kao i izborom mra?ne Krle?ine balade iz 1936., autori filma su svjesno povukli paralelu s poetikom njema?kog ekspresionizma. Tako su se fokusirali na simboli?ko opisivanje unutrašnjeg svijeta likova naglašavaju?i tjeskobu, otu?enost na asfaltnoj d?ungli i zbunjuju?i poriv za autodestrukcijom.

The film is based on one of the texts from Krle?a's The Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh (Balade Petrice Kerempuha), "The Gypsy" (Ciganjska). Through the atmosphere of the film, the choice of Krle?a's dark ballad from 1936. as well as the develpment of characters, the authors have clearly drawn a parallel with the poetics of German expressionism. With this, they have focused on symbolic description of characters' inner worlds, emphasizing anxiety, alienation in the asphalt jungle and confusing need for self-destruction.

6. Odnos Mario Papi? (2010.) 05’ 00’’
amera / camera : Mario Papi?
monta?a / editing : Mario Papi?
ton / sound : Mario Papi?

7. Reopening the Past Liliana Resnick (2010.) 11’ 30’’
re?ija / director : Liliana Resnick
koreografija / choreographer : Liliana Resnick
plesa?ica / dancer : Bla?enka Kova?
skladatelj / composer of music : Dalibor Bukvi?

Iako je rat završio prije 20 godina nekoliko ?ena još uvijek iš?ekuje povratak nestalih supru?nika.

Although it has been 20 years since the war has ended a few women still await the return of their missing husbands.

8. Prijepodne jednog fauna Tomislav Gotovac (1963.) 08’ 19’’

9. Alamo ?eljko Radivoj (2010.) 05’ 30’’
KK Zagreb – SF i Hrvatski filmski savez, Zagreb

Jedan od zadnjih realiziranih video zapisa posve?en  Tomu Gotovcu - u jednom kadru. Kišne kapi utiru put našem sje?anju. Sve što nam ostaje, sve što nosimo sa sobom je memorija.

One of the latest videos made which was dedicated to Tom Gotovac - in one take. Raindrops pave the road of our memories. Everything that we are left with, everything that we carry within is our memory.

10. Don Kihot Vlado Kristl. 10’ 42’’ (1961.)

Film prikazuje Don Kihota i njegovog slugu San?a Pansu u njihovim pustolovinama. Hrabri vitez bori se sa policajcima, sa ?itavom naoru?anom vojskom, da bi ih sve natjerao u pani?ni bijeg potukavši se sa svojim starim neprijateljem – vjetrenja?om.

The film shows the adventures of Don Quixote and his servant Sancho Panza. The brave knight fights policemen, the entire armed forces unit, making them run away in panic by picking up a fight with his old enemy - the windmill.

GRAND OFF festival I
GRAND OFF festival II
Pulska filmska tvornica
Nedeljko Dragiĉ
Ana Bilankov
Retrospektiva Radislava Jovanova Gonza
Arhiva 2010
Arhiva (Eksperimentalni film u Tuškancu)
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