Is animated film - a film at all?
Hrvoje Turković |
Missionary zeal - Channel Four animation schemes
Clare Kitson |
The Warner Brothers animated films as the mirror of Hollywood
Silvestar Mileta |
The three motives of Pavao Štalter: laughter, fairy tale, death
Jurica Starešinčić |
Bitter tears and romantic affairs in post-war Germany: on the motives and subject-matter in Rainer Werner Fassbinder's works
Rikard Puh |
Werner Herzog - the poetics of lost worlds
Goran Dević |
New musical guideliness: Kubrick after 2001: A Space Odyssey (II) - Barry Lyndon
Irena Paulus |
Aspiring to different worlds (on films of discord)
Zoran Jovančević |
Darker than the dark
Contemporary Hungarian Films, Film Programmes, Zagreb, 9-14 June 2008
Marijan Krivak |
Animafest come of age and rejuvenated (Animafest 2008)
Jurica Starešinčić |
On supermarkets and three films (Motovun 2008)
Igor Bezinović |
New cinema and old delusions (Pula 2008)
Krešimir Košutić |
Enthusiastic and articulate erudite - even when mistaken
Živorad Tomić, Užitak gledanja, 2007
Damir Radić |
Big Sister is watching you
Hrvoje Turković, Narav televizije, 2008
Josip Grozdanić |
Panoramic view of animation
Midhat Ajanović, Karikatura i pokret, 2008
Asaf Džanić |