10th Four River Film Festival main competition selected!
Selectors in charge of Four River Film Festival did an amazing job choosing between record breaking 1013 applied films! Professor Ana Đordić told us that selection meeting was held for hours and hours because number of applied films was, as she said “through the roof”. Even though selectors were more or less on the same page about their choices, it was extremely hard to decide between all those great films and choose those that will fit into 420 minutes of program time. Most submitted films were fiction films, while selectors were surprised by the length of films, some even going over 20 minutes! Besides by Ana, films were chosen y film critics Boško Picula and Stipe Radić. They chose 72 films that will come to Karlovac – 35 of them in international selection
Results of international selection can be seen on the following link.
Congratulations to the authors and we’re looking forward to meeting you all in Karlovac from 12th until 16th of September.