Festival friends
Children's Film Festival Seattle

This summer at the Giffoni Experience Festival in Italy we have established a cooperation with the Children’s Film Festival Seattle. Some of the best films from this festival of children’s films are going to be screened during the announcement part of each of the competition screenings. That way children will be able to take a look at the production of professional films made for them from all over the world. And next year the winning films of the Festival are going to have a guest appearance in Seattle: travelling from Croatia to the far-away USA!
Children's Film Festival Seattle sends these award-winning films as a special greeting to the kids of Croatia, with our best wishes for a fantastic 52nd Croatian Children's Film Festival! We look forward to collaborating with the festival on many future programs. Here's to children from Seattle and kids from Croatia seeing the world, and feeding their minds, together!
Elizabeth Shepherd, Children's Film Festival Seattle
Film selection:
Twins in a Bakery (Mari Miyazawa, Japan, 5 min).
Step inside the most adorable shop ever, to see what happens after the baker heads home.
Edible Rocks (Stefan Gruber, USA, 2:49 min).
Find out what happens when a boy convinces his little brother that some rocks are tasty.
Winner of CFFS Children's Jury's Northwest Prize.
The Whale Story (Tess Martin, USA, 3:46 min).
Sail into the deep, and meet a fisherman as he experiences a moment of deep connection with a humpback whale.

The Whale Story
The Goat Herder and His Lots and Lots and Lots of Goats (Will Rose, UK, 7 min).
Follow a herder in Spain as he travels up and down mountains with a great big mess of goats!
My Strange Grandfather (Dina Velikovskay, Russia, 8:40).
Join the journey of a little girl who learns to appreciate her eccentric, magical grandfather.
Hannah and the Moon (Kate Charter, UK, 6 min)
Make friends with the moon, and then find your way back home to the arms of someone who really loves you.

Hannah and the Moon
Noodle Fish (Jinman Kim, Korea, 9:46 min).
Take a swim with a fish who longs to know what is above the water.

Noodle Fish
Rabbit and Deer (Péter Vácz, Hungary, 16.5 minutes).
Become thrilled with the adventures of two unlikely companions, who find out what it takes to make their friendship last.
Winner of three CFFS prizes: Most Popular Film of the Festival, Seattle Children's Hospital Jury Prize for Best Animated Film, and Festival Children's Jury Prize for Best Animated Short.

Rabbit and Deer
While You Weren't Looking (Jeremy Mackie, USA, 11:28 min).
Hop behind a shopping cart to see how fast it can fly.
Winner of the CFFS Seattle Children's Hospital Jury Prize for Best Live Action Film.
I Spy with My Little Eye (Alexandra Nebel, Germany 10 min).
Create your own adventures with two friends who find themselves house-bound on a beautiful summer day.

I Spy with My Little Eye
AMAR (all great achievements require time) (Andrew Hinton, India 9 min).
Meet a boy who keeps moving, from sun up to sundown, to achieve his goals.
Winner of the CFFS Festival Children's Jury 2nd Prize for Best Short Documentary.

I'm going to mum's (Lauren Jackson, New Zealand, 13 minutes)
Find out how a boy gets his warring mom and dad to finally listen to him.
Winner of the CFFS Children's Jury Prize for Best Live Action Short.
The Raining Tree (Andra Fembriarto, Indonesia, 14 min).
Discover how magic can pour down when you least expect it.
Children's Rights Festival

Why a festival about children's rights?
First word that comes to mind when we think about children’s works, as well as generally about the language and expression of children and youth compared to grown-ups, is probably sincerity. Or innocence. Or simplicity. Or purity. Or spontaneity. If we use these words to describe a work of art or a creative endeavour, we automatically attribute it great value, something that is really difficult to accomplish regardless of the amount of skill, knowledge or will that went into a given effort. Perhaps this is precisely one of the areas in which lies hidden the power of children’s endeavours, the fact that we hear the message clearly, we relax, we have faith and we give our trust to the author of a spoken or shown piece of reality…
On one hand those children’s endeavours produce fascinating results when telling grown-ups about the world in which they, the grown-ups, live, while on the other it is of primary importance for the development of children and youth that throughout their growing up they remain in a constant, friendly and stimulating relation with their creativity. All of us already know that but it doesn’t hurt reminding ourselves from time to time.
It is a great pleasure for us to be part of those processes.
Unicef, Hrvatska
During the 6th edition of the Children’s Rights Festival the following films from Children’s Film Festival are to be screened:
1. BOOMERANG OF GOODNESS IN CLASS 6A, fiction, Filmska skupina OŠ Strahoninec, Čakovec (8'30“)
2. MY NAME IS IVICA, documentary, FKV Ivanovec, Čakovec (10')
3. STAR, animated, ŠAF Čakovec, (1'30“)
4. SAME, BUT SO DIFFERENT, documentary, OŠ K. Zrinska Mečenčani, Donji Kukuruzari (9'10“)
5. ZAGREB IN MY HEART, animated, FD Mali animatori, OŠ Sesvetska sela, Sesvete (2'33“)
6. OUR BILLY ELLIOT, documentary, FD OŠ Lučac, Split, (7'10“)
7. DIFFERENT, animated, FKS Vanima, Varaždin (2'08“)
8. MY SISTER, animated, FKS Vanima, Varaždin (1'46“)
9. DWARFS FRIENDS, animated, FKS Vanima, Varaždin (1'24“)
10. A GIRL FOR EVERYTHING, documentary, Udruga Hodači po žici, OŠ Rudeš Zagreb (10')
11. I KNOW MY GOAL, TV report, OŠ M. Jurić Zagorke/FD ZAG Zagreb (9'55“)
12. DISCIPLINE, fiction, FKVK Zaprešić (3'50“)