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Theagenes and Esmeralda — Ancient Greek Novel and TV Serial

Theagenes and Esmeralda is a comparative study that deals with the similarities between the Greek novel in antiquity and contemporary TV »soap operas«. By analyzing the characters, motives and narrative strategies, the paper is trying to establish a thesis that the tastes of the broad general audiences haven’t changed that much in almost 2000 years that keep the two genres apart. The Greek antiquity love novel presumably developed on the East Mediterranean during the Hellenistic period — a time in which the world grew significantly bigger, causing the individual to feel lost and insecure. These are the grounds that prepared a new genre — novel — dealing with individual heroes and their quest for happiness in the big, strange and hostile world. Even though the »soap opera« is a product of the 20th century media development, its roots are in the literature written after the French Revolution — a period of »the open society« not unlike the Hellenistic one, a period in which, once again, the individual comes before the community.

The main characters of both genres are unnaturally beautiful and almost equally so steadfast in their moral convictions. They face the blows of the destiny with dignity and strength, trying to preserve their individual integrity during all the hardships they encounter, thus providing the comfortable role-model for their audience whose lives are bleak and uneventful, and who hope that one day they will, too, be rewarded for their patience and suffering. Motives of the both genres include all sorts of dramatic events that hardly ever happen in real life — mistaken identities, children lost and found, pirates, robberies, inimical family members, poisons, abductions...

The goal, of course, is to bring some adventure and excitement to the life of the audience, enabling members of the audience to identify with the main characters by means of enlivening adventures in their minds, this time with themselves in the main roles. Generally, the stories in both genres are told chronologically, starting with the first meeting of the main characters and finishing with the Happy End, after which nothing really interesting will happen. The unrealistic, »adventurous« time of both genres consists of semi-detached dramatic episodes, order of which can be overturned any way we like, because the causal relationship between them is irrelevant — the only relevant thing are large quantities of dramatic events. It should be also noticed that most of the motives, characters and narrative strategies of both genres could also be found in one of the greatest works of literature ever, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Compared to the work of genius, Greek antiquity novel and »soap-opera« will surely lose the battle. But the so-called »trivial genres«, compared with each other, can also prove to be interesting material and, if nothing else, harmless and entertaining pastime.

Martina Aničić

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