Film in focus: Seventh chronicle
A correct and atractive film
A review of the film The Seventh Chronicle
by Bruno Gamulin.
Contrasting the film with the overrated Brešan’s How the
War Started on My Island and underrated Sedlar’s Vergissmeinnicht
— Do Not Forget Me the reviewer considers the film to be
the best in 96’ production. Continuing the tradition of
European »ethnographic film« (with Babaja and Mimica as
some predecessors in Croatian film) The Seventh Chronicle
presents a contagious ethnographic and »ecographic« image
of Mediterranean world mediated by the skilful cinematography
by Enes Midžić. The main fault of the film is its overcalculated,
almost snobbish nature, with some underdeveloped narrative
lines, with mostly pale characters (except for some good
negative roles performed by S. Medvešek and I. Gregurović).
Besides this weaknesses, the reviewer evaluates the film
as a valid and attractive attempt at awakening of one important
line of Croatian poetic tradition in feature film, much
more successful then the filmmaker’s previous attempt with
Memorable Summer. Damir Radić |