The Absolute Power of Hard Light
A study of the characteristics of a
basic lighting mode based on directional hard light and
a defense of its use in narrative Hollywood films.
The text begins with an example of a scene with an atypical lighting pattern
found in Clint Eastwood’s film Absolute Power. It then proceeds to plot
the typical lighting pattern which dominates this, as well as most of Eastwood’s
films, and, for that matter, most Hollywood genres. This common pattern is called
»Hollywood light« in Croatian professional circles, and it is predominately based
on the use of directional lightning.
The principle effect of this approach (three-point
lighting) is to make the entire represented scene clearly
visible with easily discernible details. This type of lighting,
with many variations, was accepted as »normal« in spite
of its obvious artificiality, i. e., its frequent departure
from the mode of natural lighting at a chosen location.
The text explains the basic characteristics of »Hollywood
light«, its origin and its use, its connection with the
genre tradition, and its distinction from other modes of
lighting. There is an analysis of the function of »Hollywood
lighting« within contemporary artistic trends, and its
continuous presence.
Analytical content: Hollywood lighting; The structure
of Hollywood lighting; Why Hollywood light?, The analysis
of the introductory scene; Visual style of the period; Artificial
or »common« lighting; The basis of stylization; The cinematographer’s
brush; Rises and falls of direct lighting; The importance
of directional lighting in genre films; Hollywood light today;
When is the cinematographer an artist? Silvestar Kolbas |