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Screwball Comedy

The US Comedy of Thirties

The paper presents an interpretative overview of the basic characteristics and subtypes of Hollywood screwball comedy, its historical place among the other contemporary comedy modes: sentimental, sophisticated and anarchistic.

The arrival of sound caused the important structural changes within the genre of Hollywood comedy. Previously predominant type — slapstick comedy had vanished, and new types emerged in twenties, thirties and into forties, the basic ones being: sophisticated comedy, sentimental comedy, anarchistic comedy and screwball comedy (categories based on Tino Balio’s division). The screwball comedy took over some characteristics from all the other contemporary types; from sophisticated comedy it took the thematization of man-woman relationship; from sentimental comedy its emphasis on typical American virtues, sentimentalism, optimism and populism, and from anarchistic comedy it took over its pace, emphasis on humorous dialogue, its eccentricity and anarchistic drives. Screwball comedy was introduced in 1934. with the comedies It Happened One Night by Frank Capra, Twentieth Century by Howard Hawks and The Thin Man by W. S. Van Dyke, and it dominated over US comedy till 1938, when the change in audience interests caused the vanning of this comedy type.

The films were characterized by the quick pace dictated by the antagonistic relationship among the male and female protagonist, the relationship that eventually end in marital or love bondage. The antagonism is often social (different classes), but it is mostly sex based. The basic dilemma of the genre is how to reconcile sex and class (ideological) differences (there is an obligatory Happy End) the different films of this comedy type vary the modes of the antagonism, and look for its different possible solutions. But, as Shatz stated, the most interesting aspect of films, and the main creative focus was the antagonistic, very dynamic conflict itself, not so much the nature of the ending. Screwball comedy was a variety of »new comedy« (according the Frye’s distinction), teleologically structured, with mostly young man tending to fulfill his sexual whishes against the obstacles. Final solution implies the birth of the »new community« were the old antagonisms are either humorously or romantically surpassed. Variety of narrative proposals in different films are investigated, and specifically the main subtype of a screwball comedy a comedy of remarriage.

Bruno Kragić

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